New Logo same service

Today we are launching a new logo We loved our old logo, and its look, and know many felt the same, yet here we are to explain why we decided to evolve it.
We started our business in 2001, a time when all sales, PR, and marketing were all printed material and our logo looked great printed, with its lovely silver IN, it was an exciting time opening a business, choosing your name, and deciding on your colours and logo.
20 years down the line everything has “gone digital” and after surviving one of the hardest years in our business’s history when so many others in our industry have not, we feel that we have entered a new chapter and wanted to celebrate it with a bit of a facelift (unfortunately personal facelifts are not as easily done as they are on logos 😊)
We continue to evolve, and it was time for our brand to evolve too.
It is just the logo that has changed: our commitment, integrity, and personal approach have not.
We hope you like our new look and look forward to chatting with you.